With Joyful Voice
A weekend of Sacred Chant and Meditation
April 4-6, 2025
With Kaita Bliffert, Fred Bliffert and Ron Moor
Offered in person and online!!
Sacred Chant, beautifully enhancing our capacity to open to Source, God, Spirit. Join us for a joyful weekend of exploring, expanding, deepening and healing through sacred chant and silent meditation.
Much of the weekend we will follow the ancient Bhakti Yoga tradition of Kirtan – sacred chanting of call and response led by Kaita and Fred. We will learn the origin, meaning and use of each chant and be supplied with phonetic pronunciation guides. The chants are quite short, usually one or two lines. Each chant session will be followed by a 20 minute silent meditation. One enhancing the other.
Kirtans were originally written in Sanskrit, the sacred ancient language of India. The Sanskrit alphabet has a strong energetic and vibrational component—it is said that the words, when chanted, create a powerful vibration in the body, affecting every part of our being – body, mind and spirit. Be prepared to go deep into the meditative state of unitive consciousness.
We will learn some basic chants in Sanskrit and one or two in English. Chants of sacred earth, for healing of our body, for releasing and letting go, for opening to higher realms. Chants you can take home with you to enjoy and to enhance your own spiritual practice.
In addition, you will learn a chant of the Seven Chakras, bringing together sound, movement and imagery. On Saturday evening we will embark on a sonic journey enhanced by a large Tibetan temple gong, Tibetan singing bowls, monochord, reverie harp tingshas, chimes and other devotional instruments. These sounds of creation will bring you into deeper state of silence and stillness. On Sunday morning we will learn the Heart Sutra Chant and meditation to complete and bless our time together.
No prior experience of chant or even of meditation needed.
Come as an empty bowl, open to being filled in this ancient and profound way.
Your Guides for the Journey

Fred Bliffert is a well known R&B singer, songwriter and musician who has added Kirtans to his repertoire. His daughter Kaita has led Kirtans for years in the Milwaukee area as well as organizing and facilitating the monthly Meditate Milwaukee gatherings. Ron Moor is an energy healer, teacher and frequent presenter at The Christine Center who often uses sound for healing and guided meditations.
Fred and Kaita singing together at their Blue Lotus Farm and Retreat Center: Love Caught Me By Surprise
Heart Sutra track from Kaita’s recent album In the Lap of the Infinite, with backup by Fred: Heart Sutra