Qigong Healing Retreat

with Emily Jarrett Hughes
August 16-18, 2024

Early registration price: $225, plus meals and lodging
Price beginning July 29: $275, plus meals and lodging

Offered both onsite and online

This qigong healing retreat will help you feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually. You will be guided through several healing meditations and group healings. You will also learn simple qigong movement and meditation techniques that you can practice every day for health, longevity, and spiritual growth.

Qigong can help you heal any type of challenge – a broken heart, arthritis, cancer, or back pain. Maybe you just know you could feel a little better or are interested in preventive health. This is a gentle, nurturing retreat and all movements can be adapted for comfort, energy level, and ability. This retreat will help you re-set your energy, connect with the calm and peace that can be so hard to find, and make feeling better not only possible but even something you can share with others.

In addition to the group healings and meditations, you will receive a comprehensive introduction to Spring Forest Qigong, that grounds you firmly in the tradition of qigong and helps you understand the mystery and secrets of Qigong Healing. You will receive a certificate for completing of Spring Forest Qigong Level One – Qi Activation Training.

Scholarships available through the Christine Center

The Ancient Science of Qigong

Qigong means “working with Qi”(commonly known as energy). It is a science of using the breath, body, mind, and sound to Achieve and Maintain Perfect Health.

Training Highlights

Use and direct your Qi with Qigong.

What is emptiness? How to prepare yourself to enter the Emptiness.

How to connect with and tap into a greater energy than your own.

Five Element Qigong and its healing wisdom as the Physical Movements.

Small Universe Meditation as the Internal Refinement.

Experience the powerful combination of Qi & Yi.

How to engage breath, sound, movements, and mind in Qigong practice.

The Yin and Yang of Qigong.

Qigong healing principles, such as Qi.

Blockages and how they form.

Plus, a Special Bonus… Sword Fingers, a Qigong healing technique to help yourself and others to heal.

Why Qi Activation? Learn the Essence fo Qigong.

The Qi Activation training helps you build a solid Qigong foundation for healing, awakening, and later advancement in your Qigong practice. Created by International Qigong Master Chunyi Lin, a man loved for his simplicity and renowned for his healing ability, Spring Forest Qigong Level One – Qi Activation draws on the very best of the most ancient practices, refines them to their essence, and shares it all with you in language anyone can understand.

Why a Healing Retreat?

Over the weekend at the beautiful Christine Center, we will have time for deeper meditations, group healings, and sharing. This will help you integrate all that you are learning and use the high vibration of our retreat to shift any energy blockages at the root of your challenges.

Imagine yourself living with more love, energy, and perfect healing. This qigong healing retreat is dedicating to helping you make this vision a reality.

Your Guide for the Journey

My name is Emily Jarrett Hughes and I am a healer, teacher, dancer, and mother living in Minneapolis. The vitality and joy I find in Spring Forest Qigong were a lifeline through a major health crisis and are the inspiration for my teaching and healing practice. I have studied Spring Forest Qigong since 2006, completing Level 5, and am a Certified Instructor and Healer – the highest level of certification and study possible. I have a healing practice and also lead a weekly drop-in qigong practice group. In addition to qigong, I teach dance as a tool for healing and transformation. Everything that I do leans into the interrelationship between healing ourselves, healing the water, and healing the world. I have taught hundreds of classes and helped hundreds of people with healing. I love seeing my students and clients strengthen their connection with body, mind and spirit and unlock their capacity to live vibrant, courageous lives. Follow me at the Eye of the Heart Center for Creative Contemplation, eyeoftheheartcenter.org.