Monday through Friday Twice Daily Meditations

Hosted by Sisters Johanna and Henrita at 8:45am and 5pm Central Time, Monday through Friday

Join us in the Christine Center Mary of the Angels Chapel or online via Zoom

Offered as a gift to our community– Everyone is welcome!


8:45am: Open with chanting to open and balance the physical, emotional, and intellectual energy centers, followed by 30 minutes of silent meditation.

5:00pm: 30 minutes of silent meditation. The second Wednesday of each month, Simon Weller, a dear friend and regular meditation partner, plays his harp for the meditation.

Morning Closing: Prayer of Unification

In the name of the One God, Mother-Father of us All,
and of Everything.
We are One Mind
In the Light of Holy Wisdom;
We are One Heart
In the Radiance of Pure Love;
We are One Body
in the Resonance
of Divine Power.
All of Creation is One,
In Light and Love and Power,
As it was in the beginning,
Is now and ever shall be Amen.

Evening Closing Prayer

God of day and night
Of life and death
Of light and darkness
Our lives are in your holy hands. Amen.

I absolutely appreciate the twice a day meditation. Such a gift! The Christine center truly nurtures mind, body, and spirit.

Jennifer G.