Shamanic Journey and the Alchemy of Spirit Dolls

with Brita Rekve
April 25, 2024

Housing and meals are offered from Wednesday supper (April 24) through Friday breakfast (April 26). 

Brita is generously donating all proceeds to the Christine Center!

Embark on a transformative experience in this one-day workshop designed to open the doors to your inner world of spirit. The morning session will introduce you to the ancient spiritual practice of shamanic journey. By listening to the voice of the drum you will enter a state of altered consciousness and a rich world of benevolent helpers who are waiting to commune with you. Perhaps you will meet your spirit helper or what some people refer to as your power animal. Insights are available to us through our communion with spirit. This mini-introduction will show you the way to journey and could provide you with rich unexplored terrain should you choose to follow the path.

The afternoon segment of the workshop will guide you through the process of making a spirit doll. Choosing from a variety of materials that delight your senses, you will be guided every step of the way to bring your doll to form. Your doll will be unique to you, a sacred companion holding the intention and quality you bestow upon it during the creative process. Upon completion of the doll, a short ceremony honoring the form you have brought forth will be held.

Previous shamanic experience or crafting/art experience absolutely NOT required.

All materials will be supplied. Should you like to incorporate a special piece of fabric, a bauble, piece of jewelry or a talisman please bring it with you. It will be helpful if you have your own scissors. Bringing a glue gun, if you have one – please do not buy one – will save you the frustration of waiting to use one when you want to.

A sense of humor is required. Brita likes to laugh laughing

Your Guide for the Journey

Brita Rekve

Brita Rekve

Spirituality and creativity are twin sisters I like to hang with. Knowing one I know the other and I love sharing my passion with these two beauties. Upon retirement from a career in social work and hospice, I started messing up all my good clothes while teaching Intuitive Painting and the making of Spirit Dolls in my art studio. It excites me to guide the “oh-I-am-not-an-artist” believers to the promised land because I believe we are all creative. I also teach people how to create ceremony and how to journey using shamanic drumming as a way to connect with the spirit world.

I have been extremely fortunate to have had amazing teachers in my life. I have been a student of shamanism for several decades and studied with Michael and Sandra Harner and Sandra Ingerman. I studied Intuitive Painting with Michele Cassou. While these may appear unrelated, to me they are intertwined and integral to who I am and have helped me meet the challenges of life.

I live in the Ozarks Mountains with my best friend Jerry and my wonder dog Frankie.