Finding Your Way: 

The Life of a Seeker

June 13-15, 2025

Facilitated by Yanchy Lacska

We are all wandering to get to know ourselves better, to understand our purpose in the world, to respond to an inner calling that we cannot fully describe or understand, perhaps to reclaim the enchantment that we lost, and to find our personal myth. Maybe you don’t realize you’re living a myth, which makes sense because your personal myth operates mostly behind the scenes, like the director on a movie set. We are all on what mythologist Joseph Campbell called the “Hero’s Journey” or what psychologist and mythologist Craig Chalquist terms the “Journey of Re-Enchantment. We are all on a quest to find our personal holy grail, our treasure buried in a field, our philosopher’s stone. This retreat, based on the ideas presented in Y.R. Lacska’s book, Finding The Way – The Life of a Seeker, will help you examine your life’s journey and explore the archetypal and spiritual energies at work to support or thwart you on that quest.

On this retreat, you will:

  • Examine the stages and tasks of the Hero’s Journey and the Journey of
    Re-Enchantment and find your place on the journey.
  • Learn how dreams, synchronicity, mentors, and spiritual helpers guide you.


  • Learn and practice simple but powerful qigong exercises to assist you.
  • Take time to reflect through journaling, guided meditation, and sharing.
  • Open your heart’s wisdom through chanting and ritual.

A guiding quote from your facilitator, from the Gospel of Matthew, looking through a mythical and mystical lens:

“Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Your Guide for the Journey

Yanchy Lacska

The Reverend Y.R. Lacska, PhD has always been a seeker. His search has led him on a career path that included being a teacher, psychotherapist, college professor, and hospital chaplain. Since childhood, he has been an avid practitioner of the Asian martial arts, qigong, tai chi, and the Taoist philosophy at their core. He continues to work as a pastoral counselor and offers workshops and retreats, combining his knowledge of psychology with the wisdom of the world’s spiritual traditions and qigong. To learn more about the author, visit his website

“I was inspired to develop this retreat by writing my book, Finding the Way – The Life of a Seeker, and my love of helping people to explore and deepen their spirituality and purpose. The belief that is at the heart of the retreat is that we are all on a journey that will hopefully lead to what C.G. Jung called Individuation, Abraham Maslow called Self-Actualization or Self-Transcendence, and what Eastern Christianity calls theosis (union with the divine).”