Introduction to The Mystery of Advent: All Creation Waits the Coming of the Light

November 26th from 10am to 11:30am

with Chris Flynn

Offered at no cost as introduction to our Advent Mysteries Series!


The roots of advent run deep beneath the Christian Church – in the earth and its seasons. If we tune in, we hear as if for the first time, the ancient wisdom of advent: the dark is not an end but the way a new beginning comes.

This time of Advent inspires our courage. Advent can lead us to find our own Light, in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. May we awaken to our own light of love, deep within us, waiting to be reborn again in the dark stables of our own souls. May we be filled with loving kindness; may we be at ease, and discover the true practice of peace within us, so that there might be peace in the world.


In this introductory workshop, we will explore ancient Celtic traditions, and its keen awareness of humanity’s deep, inner connections with the rhythms of the natural world. We will connect with how beautifully aligned the symbolism of the Advent wreath is to the imagery of the natural season leading to the Winter Solstice.

You might want to bring a candle to light, and a notebook for journal notes.

Chris Flynn

Chris Flynn

Chris has been facilitating heart-centered groups for over 50 years. She creates Sacred Spaces where folks feel safe and comfortable expressing and sharing what’s in their hearts and minds.

Chris was ordained with a Master in Ministry of Spiritual Counseling and is a certified grief counselor. She formed and facilitated Conscious Connections Community, a singles ministry, for 20 years. She went on to work with both Hospice and Suicide Prevention, facilitating groups and trainings.  Currently she loves facilitating book study groups for the Christine Center.

Chris lives in the California Redwoods with her husband and Saint Bernard. Eight years ago, while visiting her Wisconsin relatives, she discovered the Christine Center and immediately found her spiritual home. She has attended many of the Christine Center’s virtual classes, the weekly Tao group, plus, last year she attended in person, The Tao in the Summer.  Through ‘Quantum Connecting via Zoom’ (thank you Sr. Gabe), Chris enjoys her deep connection with the Christine Center community.