Writing Your Spiritual Story
Give a written voice to your spiritual story
with Joanne Nelson
April 4-6, 2025
We all approach our spirituality—that link between the sacred and ourselves—in unique ways. Join in community to honor and explore your connection to the sacred and the self through writing.
We’ll engage in guided written exercises designed to help us explore our spiritual paths, inspire our creative journeys, and generate new narratives about what is most important.
We’ll give written voice to our own unique spiritual stories during our time together and leave with specific tools and strategies for deepening spirituality after our program.
Whether you are a seasoned writer or just beginning to play with words on the page you will grow during this innovative retreat filled with unique writing prompts, mindfulness opportunities, and focused instruction appropriate to all genres of writing and levels of spiritual practice.
Time to share written work is available, but never required!
Joanne is amazing! She creates a comfortable space for people to reflect, open, learn, and explore.

Joanne Nelson
Retreat Facilitator
Joanne Nelson is the author of the collection, My Neglected Gods and the memoir, This Is How We Leave. Her writing appears in numerous journals and anthologies. She won the Hal Prize in nonfiction, as well as other literary awards, and has contributed to Lake Effect on Milwaukee’s NPR station. Nelson lives in Hartland, Wisconsin, where she teaches at the university level and leads community programs. She gives presentations on mindfulness and writing, creativity, and the second half of life. Nelson holds an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars, an MSSW from the University of WisconsinMadison, and is a certified meditation instructor. More information is available at wakeupthewriterwithin.com