

for Global Transformation

For the first time in our SDGT history, we are excited to open our transformative program sessions to the public.

These online sessions, available throughout all three years of the program, invite you to join a journey of profound personal and collective growth. Engage with diverse inner maps of knowing, guided by experienced spiritual teachers, and participate in meaningful reflections and conversations. Be part of this unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of self and the world around you.

Open Online Sessions

Year One SDGT Four Saturday Zoom Days
for ongoing discovery, depth and integration.

• July 20, 2024
• September 21, 2024
• January 18, 2025
• March 15, 2025

Maps of Inner Knowing:
Ways and Means of Insight and Wisdom

The rules break like a thermometer,
quicksilver spills across the charted systems,
we’re out in a country that has no language
no laws, we’re chasing the raven and the wren
through gorges unexplored since dawn
whatever we do together is pure invention
the maps they gave us were out of date by years…
Adrienne Rich

Carl Jung, The Red Book   Map of the Soul

September 21, 2024

Maps of Inner Knowing
9:30am to noon; 1:30 to 4:00pm

Archetypes and Patterns of Consciousness:
How Did We Get Here? Now What?

Guided by Ron Moor

Is there turmoil? Are there conflicting world views in violent confrontation? Is the past, the old, cracking and breaking down? Can it be that we are collectively standing on the threshold of a transformation of consciousness itself?

Ron Moor will guide us in appreciating the many “beings” within our personal experience of human consciousness. Mythically alive within consciousness are great collective BE-ings: saints, heroes and villains. Potent archetypal symbols, icons and images be there as well. As it is in our inner experience, so it is too, in the culture at large.

Like the Swiss philosopher, Jean Gebser, let’s take the long view, exploring how transformation “becomes,” appearing first in small numbers of individuals; how chaos ensues as awareness grows; and how the emergent new begins to “be”. The future is calling NOW, and everything before us brings us into “BE-ing” in this moment, archetypes and ancestors at the ready!

During this first year the focus is on various inner maps of knowing, each offered by a primary presenting guide. Along with the other spiritual guides, the invitation is to learn and to reflect on our own experience.

The morning session is designed for presentation and exploration; the afternoon time is given to in-depth mutual discovery and concludes with a shared integration conversation.

This year we’ll delve into the usefulness of dreams and our inner archetypes as we explore emerging stories of cosmos, consciousness, and what we tell ourselves we know.

July 20, 2024

Maps of Inner Knowing
9:30am to noon; 1:30 to 4:00pm

Cosmos and Consciousness:
Shifting from matter’s “Big Bang” to the unfolding of a universe in Soul.

Guided by Sr. Gabe

Taking the most expansive view we can, we will explore our individual deepening quest as part of a great cosmic unfolding and evolution of Soul. We continue to discover that all experience, all that is, is a great complex, ongoing, communal, energetic and alive “one thing”.

With S. Gabriele Uhlein as lead guide, prepare to be awed by some of the latest in cosmological meaning making, as well as emergent discoveries in consciousness studies. In this great saga, what is the role of Heart and Love? Of Human Intelligence? And ultimately, of Transcendence?

September 21, 2024 

Maps of Inner Knowing
9:30am to noon; 1:30 to 4:00pm

Archetypes and Patterns of Consciousness:
How Did We Get Here? Now What?

Guided by Ron Moor

Is there turmoil? Are there conflicting world views in violent confrontation? Is the past, the old, cracking and breaking down? Can it be that we are collectively standing on the threshold of a transformation of consciousness itself?

Ron Moor will guide us in appreciating the many “beings” within our personal experience of human consciousness. Mythically alive within consciousness are great collective BE-ings: saints, heroes and villains. Potent archetypal symbols, icons and images be there as well. As it is in our inner experience, so it is too, in the culture at large.

Like the Swiss philosopher, Jean Gebser, let’s take the long view, exploring how transformation “becomes,” appearing first in small numbers of individuals; how chaos ensues as awareness grows; and how the emergent new begins to “be”. The future is calling NOW, and everything before us brings us into “BE-ing” in this moment, archetypes and ancestors at the ready!

January 18, 2025

Maps of Inner Knowing
9:30am to noon; 1:30 to 4:00pm

Dreams and Dreaming:
Encountering Soul’s Images

Guided by Sr. Gabe

Welcome to the amazing multi-dimensional world of our inner dreamer. Grounded in depth psychology and using images from her own work, S. Gabriele Uhlein offers a spiritual pilgrim’s view of the dreaming Soul.

Referencing various sacred texts from multiple traditions, we’ll explore how dreams can serve to both deepen and widen our understanding of Spirit, Life, and the world with which we are entrusted.

Most importantly we’ll explore our own experience: Do you dream? Is there a dream you can recall? Who is the dream for? How have dreams and dreaming changed for you over the years?
And finally, does Earth dream?

March 15, 2025

Maps of Inner Knowing
9:30am to noon; 1:30 to 4:00pm

The Power of Belief and Insight:
Keeping Our Inner Maps Up-to-Date.

Guided by Joanne Nelson

Moving attention inward we find another cosmos to explore: the creative potential of our dreams, our capacity for imagination, and the life-determining power of our values. Presented by Joanne Nelson, we will explore together the beliefs and insights that form our inner maps, directing our choices and shaping our lives from the inside out.

Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? What must I do to get there? These are the great human existential questions, to which every spiritual tradition worth its salt, offers certain beliefs in response.

Let’s explore together the way in which unexamined beliefs powerfully determine how we live. How do you know the truth of them? How do you choose? Why does it matter? What if belief shifted?

Your Guides for the Journey

Sr. Gabriele Uhlein

Sr. Gabriele Uhlein

Sr. Gabe's Bio

“The time is NOW. We are in the midst of the transformation we have been waiting for. What is needed is Earth-making at the deepest level of soul: rejuvenation, restoration and evolution in the midst of cultural upheaval and the sixth planetary extinction.
Held in a community committed to spiritual deepening for global transformation, change happens one person at a time, responding with depth and compassion. This is the invitation now: to a fully soul-present, earth-centered emergence. Welcome to an uprising of hope and creative becoming. ”
Gabriele Uhlein, PhD is a Wheaton Franciscan sister deeply inspired by the spirit of Hildegard of Bingen, Francis of Assisi and Teilhard de Chardin. She holds a doctorate in depth psychology and process theology from the Chicago Theological Seminary. As Franciscan scholar and artist-in-residence at the Christine Center, Gabe continues to promote the profound connection between planetary consciousness, contemplation, and compassion in everyday life. Gabriele’s creativity workshops concentrate on the cultivation of intuition, and her spiritual deepening workshops focus on heart-centered, integral Earth presence. Incarnational art and personal ritual making complement her spiritual guidance and spiritual deepening offerings.

Sharon Devo

Sharon Devo

Sharon's Bio

At ease with a variety of faith and spiritual traditions, Sharon maintains a daily practice of meditation, and prioritizes restorative time in her garden or studio to balance her work life and responsibilities as a caregiver. Sharon is attracted to the integration or interplay of nature and creative exploration on the spiritual path, both in her personal practice and in her work with individuals, groups and day retreatants as a facilitator and Spiritual Companion.

Sharon was present in the first SDGT cohort, completing the program in 2010 and is currently Director at Tau Center, a ministry of the Wheaton Franciscans.  In addition to time spent in extended retreat and attending art workshops, Sharon studied Spiritual Direction at Hesychia, Tucson AZ; SoulCollage Facilitation, Madison WI; and Expressive Arts Facilitation at Abbey of the Arts, Mt Hood WA. She holds a BA in Human Resources, with graduate coursework in Training & Development and various professional certificates.

Her intention is to be fully present with you in community, staying open and curious to allow space for our personal and collective inner wisdom to emerge and be heard.

Ronald E. Moor

Ronald E. Moor

Ron's Bio

Called to the life of Spirit well over 40 years ago, Ron has devoted his life to deepening his own spirituality and to a vocation of service. A tour in Vietnam shook his beliefs in “The American Way”. An MBA and ten years in corporate America convinced him there had to be a better way. In his questing he has been fortunate to be personally mentored by Joseph Campbell, Carl Rogers, Manly P. Hall, Rosalyn Bruyere, Mary Elizabeth Thunder, Hyemeyohsts and Swan Storm, Roger Weir and Robert Sardello. 

Called to sacred ministry, in 1984 he received ordination after completing a four-year program through The Healing Light Center Seminary in Sierra Madre, California.  He has been ministerial guide to three spiritual communities in California and Minnesota.  As a part of his ministry he has been a hands-on energy practitioner since ordination, currently with the Thiensville Health Alliance in Thiensville, Wisconsin.

He was a volunteer provider for 25 years at Pathways in Minneapolis facilitating classes and individual healing sessions. Pathways is a nationally recognized health crisis center offering free resources and alternative health care services for those with life threatening and chronic illness. He also served on their board for 17 years.

For three years he participated in an annual medical mission to the Mayan people of Guatemala. He has studied with indigenous North American and Mayan shamans in the US and Central America. 

He has facilitated classes and retreats on spiritual growth and bio-field energy healing in 6 states, including at The Christine Center. Through The Christine Center Ron hosts a weekly on-line Tao meditation and discussion circle.

Ron firmly believes we are at the threshold of an emerging, more humane and inclusive civilization embodying spirit and matter. The Call is being sent out. His participation as one of the core faculty of The Spiritual Deepening for Planetary Transformation Program is a major part of his commitment to contribute in this time of unprecedented challenge.

Joanne Nelson

Joanne Nelson

Joanne's Bio

Joanne Nelson is a writer and retreat/workshop leader certified by the McLean Meditation Institute as a meditation and mindfulness teacher. Her second half of life retreats and spiritual story workshops allow participants to engage and awaken their creative and intuitive best selves while learning to restore and re-story. Joanne has led retreats at the Christine Center since 2016 and looks forward to being immersed in the interspiritual community that this next SDGT cohort will develop. She relishes the opportunity to learn, experience, and grow together.

Joanne is the author of the vignette collection, My Neglected Gods, and the memoir, This is How We Leave, both available from Vine Leaves Press. Her writing appears in numerous anthologies and literary journals, she is a past winner of the Hal Prize in nonfiction and has been a contributor to Lake Effect, her local NPR affiliate. Joanne lives in Hartland, Wisconsin where she develops and leads community programs and adjuncts. Over thirty years of experience as a psychotherapist allows Joanne to combine clinical expertise with her love of teaching to create programs that are research based, practical, and enjoyable. She holds an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars and an MSSW from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  More information about Joanne can be found at wakeupthewriterwithin.com

Elaine Jones, Intern

Elaine Jones, Intern

Elaine's Bio

With an affinity for spiritual growth and connection, Elaine serves as a spiritual companion and guide for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey. Drawing from her educational background and personal experiences, Elaine specializes in soul care, believing that tending to the needs of individual souls contributes to the well-being of the collective soul of the world. In her own spiritual quest, professional work, and academic pursuits, Elaine explores the intricate dynamics of being a soul incarnate in this world. She delves into the depths of consciousness, purpose, divine connection, and the interconnectedness of all creation. Elaine is educated in the field Spiritual and Social Transformation with a focus on Spiritual Direction, and she is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity at Bethany Theological Seminary. As a faculty member at Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development, Elaine co-leads students in their foundational year of the Spiritual Direction for Spiritual Guides program. Additionally, she facilitates workshops and retreats that integrate contemplative, creative, and intuitive practices to foster spiritual growth and exploration. With a deep reverence and gratitude for the sacred in everyday life, Elaine sees each moment as an opportunity for spiritual deepening, nurturing, and transformation and has come to understand that the practice of gratitude serves as a powerful pathway to opening the heart to the beauty of all existence.

Wade Britzius

Wade Britzius

Wade's Bio

Since 1971 Wade has called the beautiful Driftless region adjacent to the Mississippi River his home. He was the founder and for 28 years director, of Trempealeau County Community Television studio, working with a wide variety of people and institutions. He has done several major photo documentary projects and has served on several non-profit Boards and as a County Government Supervisor. Wade has practiced Vipassana meditation since 1988, and has been a student of the Diamond Approach since 1996. He has made an extensive study of Nonviolent, or Compassionate Communication since 2003, and currently works part time mediating custody and placement of children for the local Family Court. He leads workshops related to Nonviolent Communication, and loves to ride his bike over the hills, and canoe the riverways of his local region.