The Christine Center
Our Community of Friends
The Christine Center Community’s Gifts
Time | Talent | Treasure
For the last 40 years the Christine Center has been blessed with the gifts of time, talent, and treasure from our grant funders, donors, friends, and volunteers who have supported the Center’s vision of spiritual deepening for global transformation.
And of course, enough gratitude cannot be expressed for our volunteers, who give the precious gift of their time and talent to our reception and dining areas and our gardens and trails.
The Covid recovery period over the last few years has proven to be a financial challenge for the Center due to the loss of revenues from onsite programs and retreatants. Inflation and rising costs have also added an unanticipated burden to our bottom line.
Since its inception in 1980 the Center has needed to rely on the generous giving spirt of friends of the Center. Program revenues alone are not adequate to support our operating expenses.
Sr. Johanna, who has served the Center for 38 years often asserts, “With prayer the right resources will appear.” With that in mind we thank our donors and welcome the support of new individuals to join our Community of Friends. We ask fervently for your prayers and generosity to support our mission and in so doing, honor the forty-year legacy of the Sisters and the Heritage they created for all of us
We thank you for your generous spirit!
Christine Center donors are our companions and partners who support our mission of spiritual deepening for global transformation. Your contribution provides support for program offerings and the ongoing maintenance of our campus and facilities.
Become a Christine Center donor by making a gift today
There are a variety of ways to contribute:
Gifts made by check:
Your monetary gift of support can be made by check and addressed to
The Christine Center
W8303 Mann Road
Willard, WI 54493
Gifts made by credit card:
You may also make a secure online credit card contribution or consider making a recurring monthly donation by clicking the link above.
IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution- QCDs
If you are 70.5 or older, you may consider contributing to the Christine Center from your 2023 IRA Required Minimum Distribution-RMD, which will reduce your 2023 Adjusted Gross Income.
We suggest you contact your IRA administrator. They can assist you in making a QCD directly to the Christine Center before December 31, 2023.
You may contact Linda Cates, Donor Relations Chair ( if you would like your contribution used for a specific purpose.
Gifts of Stock and Securities
The Christine Center does accept gifts of stock and other appreciated assets. These may be excellent options for you to consider gifting to the Christine Center as they can potentially result in considerable savings for you on your reported income and capital gains taxes. We recommend that you first consult with your financial advisor.
Please contact Linda Cates, Donor Relations Chair ( to request transfer instructions.
In Kind Contributions
Although the Christine Center is grateful for the thoughtfulness of contributions of in-kind donations, we recommend you check with Valerie Haberman, Acting Director at before transporting items to the Center. This is to make sure in advance that donated items have a useful purpose at the Center
Employee Matching Gift Program
Some employers offer gift- matching programs for qualified 501.c3 not-for -profits such as the Christine Center. This means that your employer will match the amount of your donation up to a certain amount, effectively increasing your direct gift. You may check with your Human Resource Dept. or search to see if your employer has such a program.

Become a Christine Center “Angel”
Volunteer your Time and Talent
Christine Center volunteers are a vital and integral part of the life at the Christine Center.
The volunteer needs of the Christine Center change from time to time. We are often looking for volunteers with computer skills who can assist with office assignments and front office greeters. Depending on the season, trail and garden maintenance are ongoing.
We honor the volunteers who over the last 40 years have contributed a countless number of hours. Sr. Virginia referred to those who assisted the Center as “Angels.”
We view them as co-creators of this sacred woodland sanctuary.
I so appreciated my time volunteering for such a blessed establishment and such wonderful people. The Center is really a magical place. I left feeling calmer, refreshed and renewed. Thank you for all your love, encouragement, and acceptance.
The Christine Center Founder’s Circle
Become a Member
The Founder’s Circle was established in honor of the vision of Sr. Virginia Barta OSF, who founded the Christine Center in a simple barn in 1980. The Founder’s Circle recognizes her vision and the efforts of the many Sisters who have guided the Christine Center for over 40 years. These individuals have contributed $5,000 as a single or multiple gifts.
We invite you to join this community of donors, who are committed to the Center’s vision of spiritual deepening for global transformation and its future evolution.
It was profound, welcoming, simple in the best ways. I loved the Center so much and found immense peace. I see it becoming a part of my life. Thank you!
Planned Giving
There comes a time in our lives when we begin to ask what is my legacy? What and who have I contributed to and what can I leave behind to support the mission of institutions that I have participated with and benefitted from. Long term how can I support the ongoing mission of an organization such as the Christine Center? During our lifetime, we tend to be concerned about having sufficient resources to take care of the needs of ourselves and our loved ones. Although we may want to make greater annual contributions, we want to make sure that there are resources for the unexpected.
A planned gift is a legacy gift from an individual to an organization, which is only paid after the individual’s passing. The donor’s intentions can be designated in a simple will, life insurance policy, retirement plan including IRA’s or be included in a revocable trust as part of an Estate Plan.
Planned Giving Continued...
We suggest you contact your personal attorney to discuss various methods of Planned Giving available for your consideration.
You may designate the Christine Center as a beneficiary in your Will or Estate Plan
The Christine Center Inc.
and its successors -in-interest
W8303 Mann Road
Willard, WI 54493
FEIN #39-1679243
Thank you in advance for your generous consideration of the future of the Christine Center and its mission. For more information regarding Legacy Gifts to the Christine Center and your intentions
please contact Linda Cates, Donor Relations Chair:
Board Committee Service
The Christine Center has been blessed with an exceptional group of Board leaders whose expertise has provided oversight and support for the Center’s Mission of Spiritual Deepening for Global Transformation.
The Board invites individuals with special skill sets or interests to consider sharing their expertise by serving on a Board Committee.
“Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution.”
If you would like to be considered for membership on a Board Committee, please contact Linda Cates: