Crones who Run with the Wolves
A Gathering of the Crones Retreat

With Chris Flynn
August 16-18, 2024
An invitation from Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PhD….

Dear brave souls, I warmly invite you to come be at the Christine Center fireside with us and the “Dangerous Old Women” and “The Power of the Crone.”

You ask who is the crone? She is the most dangerous, the most radical, the most revolutionary woman in existence. Whether in fairy tales or in consensual reality, the old one goes where she wants to and she acts as she wishes; She lives just as she chooses. And this is all as it should be. And no one can stop her, nor ought they try.

“If you weep, the crone will move closer to you. Laugh, and she wants to hear the joke. Dance, and she wants to dance with you and in you … More so, she has help for the hurt heart and for the one poisoned by bitterness, and she can pull the thorn from the breast; she can tattoo your scars with flowering boughs. This is the crone.”

Join other Christine Center Wise Women, Elders, and Crones in this sacred gathering space, in this landscape of later life. You will enjoy the gifts of deep conversation of the ‘Red Thread Circles’. Perhaps you’ll connect with the wisdom of the likes of Clarissa Pinkola Estes and Sharon Blackie’s “Hagitude”. You will discover the magical properties of your own hagstone. You will have time and materials to create a meaningful talisman, a small effigy of your Crone.

As the commencement of the retreat we will collectively design and celebrate with a ‘Sacred Croning Ceremony’.
Included in the retreat…

    • Your own personal Crone’s Journal
    • You will receive your own personal Hagstone
    • Time and materials to create your own Wisdom/Crone Doll
    • Plus, you will have several hours of free time each day to journal, or explore the beautiful Christine Center grounds.

Says Dr. Estés: “Entering the terrain of wisdom occurs at any age. We sometimes step, sometimes stumble, and other times we are pulled into the territory of the Crone when the need for a deeper, larger understanding of our most meaningful path can no longer be denied—when the gifts hidden in our challenges must be brought forth.”

Chris Flynn

Chris Flynn

Chris has been facilitating heart-centered groups for over 50 years. She creates Sacred Spaces where folks feel safe and comfortable expressing and sharing what’s in their hearts and minds.

Chris was ordained with a Master in Ministry of Spiritual Counseling and is a certified grief counselor. She formed and facilitated Conscious Connections Community, a singles ministry, for 20 years. She went on to work with both Hospice and Suicide Prevention, facilitating groups and trainings.  Currently she loves facilitating book study groups for the Christine Center.

Chris lives in the California Redwoods with her husband and Saint Bernard. Eight years ago, while visiting her Wisconsin relatives, she discovered the Christine Center and immediately found her spiritual home. She has attended many of the Christine Center’s virtual classes, the weekly Tao group, plus, last year she attended in person, The Tao in the Summer.  Through ‘Quantum Connecting via Zoom’ (thank you Sr. Gabe), Chris enjoys her deep connection with the Christine Center community.

All Inclusive Retreat Pricing Options

Listed pricing includes all housing, meals, and program fee

Lodging Options:

Single Modern Hermitage: $520
Single Guest Room in Main Building: $440
Single Cabin Bedroom: $440
Single Rustic Hermitage: $328

Please contact our main office to make your reservation for any of the following (715-267-7507 or

        • Shared lodging options
        • Camping
        • To reduce the number of meals you would like
        • If you need to make special arrangements
        • If you would like to reserve pet friendly accommodations

Modern Hermitage: One room cottage with anywhere from 1 to 3 beds; living area; kitchenette; bathroom and shower.
Cabin Bedroom: A private bedroom with 1 to 2 beds located on the property in a shared cabin; shared kitchenette; shared bathroom and shower.
Guest Room-Main Building: A private bedroom with 2 beds and private bathroom located in the main building.
Rustic Hermitage: One room cottage with anywhere from 1 to 2 beds; living area. No bathroom or kitchenette. Modern bath and shower facilities are located on the property.