Radical Wholeness

A 3-day workshop with Philip Shepherd, author of Radical Wholeness and New Self, New World, co-author of Deep Fitness, and creator of The Embodied Present Process™

October 17-20, 2024

You can’t know how much ease and freedom await you every day until you liberate yourself from living in your head and make a journey that brings you home to the presence of your body. Yet forging that personal journey is thwarted by the values of our culture, which ignore the profound intelligence of the body – dividing us from the breath and the present – and teach us to live in our heads, straining to make sense of it all.

The Radical Wholeness Workshop introduces you to very simple practices that show you how to encounter and bridge the hidden divisions that keep you from wholeness, and help you to experience the body as never before. This workshop is the cornerstone of The Embodied Present Process™ – it is playfully experiential and provides new skills to last a lifetime.

After the workshop I felt more of myself with a gentle stillness that helped me cope with the fastness of life

Workshop participant

Our culture encourages us to live in our heads, exiled from the grounded, subtle intelligence of the body. The simple practices of this workshop empower the journey back home to your wholeness.

Embodiment is central to our humanity. As such, it enriches relationships, careers and ordinary moments. TEPP enriches life.

TEPP doesn’t offer dogma or a belief system. It simply supports you in practices that help you come back to your full aliveness in the world.

The big hurdle we face in coming home to ourselves lies in the challenge of coming home to the body while living in a disembodied culture. TEPP doesn’t ignore our culture, it acknowledges its limitations and then steps outside of them. The practices of the Radical Wholeness workshop are playful, simple and gentle, even as they deliberately expose the chronic patterns in which we are all entangled – patterns that are encoded in the body’s neurology, subjugating its intelligence. Once you encounter those patterns, once they are felt, they begin to soften. And as that happens, you find yourself living with more spaciousness. You discover the ease and security of an embodied life.

TEPP is not about sitting in the head and “listening to the body.” It is not another way to enhance our self-absorption and self-supervision. It is about listening to the world through the body, and finding both companionship and guidance there. It’s not about subduing the brilliant intelligence in the head, it’s about bringing it into balanced unity with the body’s intelligence. And it’s not just about being present in the body – it’s about escaping the frenzied self-consciousness of our culture and attuning to the spacious ease and grace of the Present, with which you are in continuous exchange. TEPP returns us to our birthright as children of the earth.

All that, and it’s fun, too!

All Inclusive Retreat Pricing Options

Listed pricing includes all housing, meals, and program fee

Lodging Options:

Single Modern Hermitage: $895
Single Room in Main Building: $795
Single Cabin Bedroom: $795
Single Rustic Hermitage: $643

Please contact our main office to make your reservation for any of the following (715-267-7507 or welcome@christinecenter.org):

        • Shared lodging options
        • To reduce the number of meals you would like
        • If you need to make special arrangements
        • If you would like to reserve pet friendly accommodations

Modern Hermitage: One room cottage with anywhere from 1 to 3 beds; living area; kitchenette; bathroom and shower.
Cabin Bedroom: A private bedroom with 1 to 2 beds located on the property in a shared cabin; shared kitchenette; shared bathroom and shower.
Guest Room-Main Building: A private bedroom with 2 beds and private bathroom located in the main building.
Rustic Hermitage: One room cottage with anywhere from 1 to 2 beds; living area. No bathroom or kitchenette. Modern bath and shower facilities are located on the property.