Compassion in Action Film and Discussion Series

At the heart of every faith and spiritual path is the universal value of compassion—an enduring invitation to understand, confront, and alleviate suffering. Compassion is multifaceted: it is experienced through deep understanding of complex issues and requires care, inspiration, and joy. It flourishes among good friends and within nurturing communities.

Join us at the Christine Center for an inspiring series of film screenings and discussions that explore the essence of compassion through the stories of real people. Real people who, like us, seek safety, happiness, and well-being, Real people who, like us, turn towards suffering to make a difference and take action.

Following each film, we invite you to engage in heartfelt discussions where we will create a supportive space to share our hopes and fears. Together, we will listen, speak, and seek understanding. These conversations will inspire us to reflect on a powerful question: “What is mine to do?”

Offered at no cost by the Christine Center Community

We look forward to welcoming you to this special series, where we can connect, reflect, and act on the transformative power of compassion.

Our discussions are led by Chris Flynn who has been facilitating heart-centered groups for over 50 years.

August Film


Viewing: August 16/17/18
Discussion: August 18 at 3pm

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Dolores Huerta is among the most important, yet least known, activists in American history. An equal partner in co-founding the first farm workers unions with Cesar Chavez, her enormous contributions have gone largely unrecognized. Dolores tirelessly led the fight for racial and labor justice, becoming one of the most defiant feminists of the twentieth century.

View Trailer

Guest Contributer: 
Elizabeth Cordero is a board member of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, the first national women farmworkers’ organization in the U. S. This organization, by and for campesinas, works towards labor standards that center worker health and safety, immigrant and migrant justice, and an end to gender-based violence. They work at the intersection of gender, migrant, labor, and climate justice.


September Film

Call of the Forest

Viewing: September 13,14,15
Discussion: September 15 at 3pm

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From the sacred sugi and cedar forests of Japan, the ancient Raheen Wood of Ireland, the walnut and redwood trees of America, to the great boreal forest of Canada, this film tells us the amazing stories behind the history and legacy of these ancient forests.

View Website / Trailer

Speaker: Jonathan Elmergreen

What does our own sacred woodland sanctuary mean to us? What is its story? A conversation towards land acknowledgment and commitment.








October Film

Undivide Us

Viewing: October 18,19, 20
Discussion: October 20 at 3pm

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UNDIVIDE US challenges the idea that citizens who disagree are not capable of civil conversation and demonstrates the truth that, even in our differences, the American experiment is still alive and well.

View Website / Trailer

Speaker: Kristi Kendall
The director of the documentary Undivide Us.









November Film

Gratitude Revealed

Viewing: November 15,16, 17
Discussion: November 17 at 3pm

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“What is your definition of gratitude?” While each answer is deeply personal and unique, there is a universal thread that connects us all – humans, animals, plants, flowers and let us not forget fungi and the mycelium network beneath our feet.

View Website / Trailer

Speakers: Sister Henrita and Sara Neall

May Film

Bringing Etty Hillesum to Life

Viewing: May 17, 18, 19
Discussion: May 19 at 11am

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Using the diaries of Etty Hillesum, a young women who was murdered in the holocaust, this documentary tells the story of Dina Awwad-Srour (Palestine) and Emma Sham-Ba Ayalon (Israel). Dina and Emma are peace activists working for global healing.

View Trailer

Speakers: Dina Awwad-Srour and Emma Sham-Ba Ayalon
Dina and Emma Sham-Ba believe that Etty Hillesum’s words carry a wisdom of deep humanism in a world that so urgently needs it.

June Film

Human Flow

Viewing: June 14,15,16
Discussion: June 16 at 3pm

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This documentary illuminates both the staggering scale of the global refugee crisis and its profoundly personal human impact.

View Trailer

Speaker: Tandra Sbrocco

Tandra is the Executive Director of Love INC of Sheboygan County. She is currently working towards refugee resettlement.










 July Film

Going Home Like a Shooting Star

Viewing: July 19, 20, 21
Discussion: July 21 at 3pm

Register Online


Listen to Thea speak

And join us in watching, Going Home Like a Shooting Star: Thea Bowman’s Journey to Sainthood.

Thea Bowman, an African American Catholic Franciscan Sister used her powerful gifts to educate and challenge the church and society to grow in racial inclusivity. She is an inspiration. This film is an instruction manual. It is a call to seek the intercessory power of one who was able to perform miracles of inspiration and reconciliation during her time on earth.

Guest Speakers:
Sr Johanna Seubert and Rosalie Hooper Thomas are both members of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, the same community as Thea. Johanna and Rosalie will share their journeys and their commitment to preserving and nurturing God’s creation, to increase social and global consciousness.