We are pleased to be collaborating with a sister organization, Prairiewoods, to bring you this program series by Karen Hering. Karen has long offered programs at both retreat centers; we are grateful for this new series opportunity and to connect in shared mission with others on this path of learning and service.

Karen Hering
Karen is a writer and teacher who has been immersed in the work of words for most of her life. She is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister and author of Writing to Wake the Soul: Opening the Sacred Conversation Within and Trusting Change: Finding Our Way through Personal and Global Transformation, newly published in 2022. As a consulting literary minister based in St. Paul, Minnesota, Karen leads guided writing sessions, retreats and programs about living well in the midst of change in community, congregational and workplace settings, and online. She also serves as a companion and guide for people and organizations on the threshold of significant change. Her writing has appeared in literary journals, periodicals and meditation anthologies.
A Year of Living with Change
with Karen Hering
Whether you’re living through significant personal transitions or navigating a world reshaping itself faster than ever, you are invited to join a yearlong conversation about how to make change more trustworthy. Come to one or to all of the monthly programs and additional retreats, or just drop in whenever you want to.
We’ll begin with a half-day online retreat Saturday, January 14 to introduce key dynamics of change and how to engage it more fully. (This program will be useful to those using Trusting Change in a small group as well as anyone navigating change, with or without the book.) Then, each month throughout the year, you can join an online program focused on one of the ten threshold skills featured in my book, Trusting Change. I’ll present selected content from the book and offer a focusing question or prompt and silent time for writing or reflection. After reflection, we’ll move into small groups to share how we each experience and engage that month’s threshold skill in the context of change. Dates and topics for each online session are listed below.
Participants can join all the monthly offerings or attend selectively, based on time and interest; and though the conversations will be enriched by reading along in Trusting Change, participation will be accessible to those unable to do the reading. In two additional in-person weekend retreats, on the spring and fall equinoxes, I will offer a deeper dive into the material for those who are interested and able to attend in the upper Midwest – at Prairiewoods March 17-19 and at the Christine Center September 22-24 (details also included below).
Wherever you are in your journey through change, I hope you’ll join these conversations.
Your voice will bring wisdom for others,
while theirs may offer just the perspective you need on your threshold.
**Additional Registration Step Required**
Once you have registered and paid, you will subsequently receive an email confirmation with a Zoom registration link. This will confirm your registration and you will receive another email from Karen with the Zoom meeting link for that month’s online session.